I used to commute across town for a long time and worked near Aston.
Aston is the pits
Shame really, as parts of the city are beautiful. The Lickey Hill area especially.
Hi btw
hi i'm new to this forum just interested to know how many brits are on this forum, as im from birmingham england myself, please say hi especially if your from the birmingham area.
I used to commute across town for a long time and worked near Aston.
Aston is the pits
Shame really, as parts of the city are beautiful. The Lickey Hill area especially.
Hi btw
[ proverbs 6 .
warnings against folly
12 a scoundrel and villain, .
It sounds like you have a lot of negative energy Danny that needs exorcizing.
I would not describe the average JW as you do my distant friend, but I understand your vision.
People are people, regardless of their loyalty and affiliation to organizations. The same basic needs, mixed up with selfish desire/power trips.
Personally I haven't met anybody on the face of this earth who I trust 100% and that is sad (and that includes me, I change with the wind at times).
i've never experienced insomnia before in my life.
lately i've been waking up around three or four in the morning and staying awake for several hours before going back to sleep shortly before my alarm goes off.. this is driving me nuts!
i normally wake up feeling refreshed, but now i'm dragging myself out of bed and going through the day feeling sleepy.
It will pass - I get this from time to time.
Break the moment - get up and do something - read, watch a film, listen to music. Get out of the bedroom area for a bit. Lean out a window - read the Bible (hehe) ...
Don't worry, many of us get these times.
hi i'm new to this site.
i was raised a jw, i'm now 28, and left about a year ago.
the only bible i've ever looked at is the new world translation.. objectively.. how good do you think the nwt is?.
Have you got to the part about the dimensions of the Tabernacle yet?
I might skip and take a look - I have noticed the illustrations. To be fair I picked this up in a charity shop for 99p ages ago and saw several people mention the book here and got interested (slightly).
hi i'm new to this site.
i was raised a jw, i'm now 28, and left about a year ago.
the only bible i've ever looked at is the new world translation.. objectively.. how good do you think the nwt is?.
WHO WROTE THE BIBLE is a good place to start (Friedman)
Just reading this book and finding it rather dull sadly - wasn't sure what to expect, and bored with it already.
hi i'm new to this site.
i was raised a jw, i'm now 28, and left about a year ago.
the only bible i've ever looked at is the new world translation.. objectively.. how good do you think the nwt is?.
Hi there
I agree, go with maybe 2 or 3 different versions. The New International is fine for starters and widely available.
Objectively speaking & IMO, the NWT is ok, yet does contain quirks & errors and some would say that the name Jehovah has been forced into the Christian Greek scriptures , along with the rendering of John of course (that old indefinite article thingy).
Just make comparisons and make your own mind up.
a popular jw teaser, i know?
but does anyone know exactly how they stand on it?
i would love to know.
no joke, once they told, but i can't find it at the moment
- hehe, thats funny. As if an almighty God could not have made provision to have a selection of them saved by other means.
ok, here is one that jabs into my mind occasionally.
the concept of 'sin' and the fallen state of man is rather profound and used to blow my mind, especially when paul broke down the concept when writing about the struggle with the fleshly state.
i could relate to those words and it was originally one of the main reasons i moved towards the scriptures (that, and the carrot of living forever of course
Thanks for your thoughts Bebu.
which websites do you visit to give you an emotional boost?
i like the following sites: .
one way or another, life will teach you its lessons.
http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/ - not sure this counts when considering your own choices, but it certainly lends itself to a sense of sedation and a removal of immediate problems through distraction.
simple question, what do you do when you are feeling down and you think that there is nothing that will make this world better in the future??
we all have different kinds of problems to worry and sometimes, it can put you down.
Got up this morning feeling really down - so did the following:
Tidied up my pad, opened the windows to let new air through and the sun shine through.
Put some uplifting music on - The Moody Blues / Candle of Life.
Drank a load of mineral water & ran a bath.
Spoke to a friend over the telephone and then had a bath afterwards and read part of a book.
.... starting to feel a lot better now and plan to get out later and walk.